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Our first printed piece of furniture!

Our original goal being to print some furniture, and Samuel having scripted the design protocol for a first stool, we fired up our newborn robot Galatea and gave it a try.

After about 10 days of tests at the plant, Sylvain felt that the day ahead of him might just be a great one for Drawn…

He prepared the machine, set up a camera, added some colour to the raw material – for the funky French touch -, and launched the process.

30 minutes later, 10 layers had been made, and everything was running smoothly !
The robot suddenly became a major attraction within the factory, with all workers, team leaders and even white collars working in the plant gathering around Galatea to admire it at work – they were truly hypnotized by the whole thing.

It did indeed end up being a fantastic day.

Our first printed piece of furniture was born.